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my mix of Juliet's Rescue - Heartbeats
Hi there!

I'm yet to check out some of your earlier mixes for reference, but this one is coming along just fine.

Couple of things that you might want to consider:

The bass is getting a little lost in the mix at the moment. Consider bringing the volume up. Did you use both the DI and amp files? It sounds like there's a lot of upper mid info but not a lot of weight way down low. Used in combination, the two signals give good upper end definition and a lot of nice energy down the low end of things. The way I handled the bass was to send the two signals to a mono Aux so I could process them together then I EQd them a little to suit what I was after then compressed the snot out of them to make sure that the sustained notes were maintained in level.

In the heavy chorus the balance of kick and toms could be adjusted a little bit. At the moment the low end on the kick is a little overpowering and the toms are a tad too loud relative to the rest of the instrumentation. (It's ok, my first ever mix using a real recorded drum kit I had them way up in level at the start as well) Smile
The level of the kick and snare in the verses is fine.
Have a go at matching relative levels of verse electronic kick and snare with the chorus acoustic kick and snare so that the transition between the two sections is a little smoother (it's a tricky thing to get right!)

The power chord guitars in chorus 1 where there is no supporting synth could come up in volume to keep the mid range energy going in this part of the song. It is a weird arrangement where all the aural interest previously present in the verse completely drops away when the chorus comes in. The second chorus has all the trippy synth parts in it but chorus 1 is really bland by comparison (not your fault - it's the way the song was arranged). To try to make it seem bigger I also ended up copying the high stringy synth from chorus 2 and added it to chorus 1.

That's about it for now. There were so many files in this song it was easy to get lost with trying to decide what is going to take precedence and how to blend the rest but I think you have made a really good first cut though.
Wait a day or so then listen back to the song when your head is clear and hopefully some of what I have outlined above will make more sense (I always find mistakes in my mixes the day after I have posted it up) Smile

Well done and keep at it!

So many songs, so little time!

Messages In This Thread
RE: my mix of Juliet's Rescue - Heartbeats - by Dags - 28-01-2014, 10:36 PM