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The Black Crown- Flames (Unofficial Mix)
I gotta be honest, I don't really have much in the way of critique. It sounds good. It works as a mix. I'm not a fan of the crashes in the chorus but that's what he played. That's really the only thing that distracted me.

It could be a little brighter or tonally aggressive overall but that's more of a mastering issue. And this is better than if you overdid it. It's a heavy song and there's a lot going on in the bass and lower mids and a little more upper mids could offset it better.

It feels a little 'flat' dynamically. I wish the chorus had a bit of a 'lift'. It could use a little 'ear candy'. Not much because it's a busy song but maybe a delay on the vocal thrown at certain points or something on the vocal in the chorus to help enhance that section.

That's it really. I hit play and just listened worked as a song which is all we can really ask. Good job.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Black Crown- Flames (Unofficial Mix) - by Roy - 17-04-2024, 04:03 PM