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Heart Peripheral mix - Is this a trap?
What's with all the multi tracks for each voice/instrument? For example, why have separate tracks for alternate bars for the kick/HH? And why have separate tracks for the backing vocals in the chorus between each two bar phrase? I can't imagine it's for multing purposes as it would sound very irritating to have different timbres etc bouncing between each bar or two bar phrase.
Am I missing something or is this a cunning trap to lure us into overprocessing?  Wink
If you have a view on this, please let me know. If you listen to my mix as well, that's a bonus and thanks very much. (I didn't listen to Mike's example mix before coming up with the telephone voice in the build before the last chorus. All my own work honest!)
Cheers all

.mp3    Heart Peripheral Master Export 1.mp3 --  (Download: 3.12 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Heart Peripheral mix - Is this a trap? - by Dark Lane - 11-08-2023, 04:50 PM