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Critique welcome
A lot of this mix feels very natural to me, so props to your balancing skills there. Maybe the guitar feels a bit too far up front, so some additional ambience verb on that might not be a bad idea. The violin seems a bit low on its solo too, so I'd ride the fader there.

Overall, I though your mix maybe had a bit too much 200-300Hz in it, as well as a deficiency in the upper octaves -- nothing that a master-buss EQ couldn't remedy, though. However, there is one note in the bass where its fundamental really leaps out incongrouously, so I'd do something about that -- it's at 72Hz, and there's an example at 1:35, for instance.

Messages In This Thread
Critique welcome - by Wolffman - 29-09-2012, 01:37 AM
RE: Critique welcome - by Mike Senior - 14-11-2012, 02:16 PM
RE: Critique welcome - by Wolffman - 24-11-2012, 11:36 PM