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North To Alaska: 'All The Same' MY VERSION
I like a lot of your mixing decisions and sounds, even though you've used/abused compression more than I would normally from an artistic perspective. You've got attitude here, which I like. However, you're suffering from a common problem that a lot of people encounter with this kind of music -- your verse sounds bigger than your chorus. This is partly a question of the response of your buss processing, I think, and you might be able to counteract that a little by automating a gain control prior to the compressor.

There's probably more to it than that, though. My first suggestion would be to give the bass a hike for the choruses, because it's being ridden down in the mix relative to the guitars because of the added average level of the new guitar layers. You could also try making the verses a little drier, so you get more contrast that way too.

In other news, that solo guitar chord at 2:44 could do with being multed so that it can stand on its own. At the moment it sounds too much like what it is: aggressively high-pass-filtered to fit within the chorus texture.

Messages In This Thread
RE: North To Alaska: 'All The Same' MY VERSION - by Mike Senior - 14-11-2012, 02:06 PM