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Come Around - Unofficial remix by STMROB
I went through this mix before reading Mike's thread.

interesting that I had to replace the drum loop to get the sound I wanted. I got used to this new loop (standard Logic loop, Upbeat tempo).

Re-amped the bass through virtual amp. Same with some of the electric guitar tracks. Doubled the acoustic guitar track and panned both at extremes with around 30 ms delay and got sure there was no phase problem with mono output.

Lead vocal is passed through convolution reverb (standard Logic, Valley Forest...), which give the space effect I was looking for, and I added de-esser.

Compression is applied on most of the tracks. Created 5 sends (parallel compression, verb, delay, chorus and sub bass). Drum track and bass have a send to sub bass aux bus, and drums have a send so the parallel comp bus. Some of the guitars (arpeg) have a send to the delay bus. Most of the guitars have a send to the chorus bus.

I created 3 groups to simplify the mix: backing vocals, guitars (other than acoustic and ebow) and drums. Lead vocals, bass, ac guitars and ebow guitar are sent to the output bus. The guitars group is ducked with a compressor triggered by the lead vocal as side chain input, and drops the guitars by 3 dB max when the lead vocal is present. This mix has minimum volume automation, most is obtained by this ducking comp.

Output bus has a linear EQ (low cut @ 35 Hz, light high shelf @ 10k), stereo expansion (Melda), and final comp (3 dB fast attack and fast release).

Most of the tracks have an EQ correction around 250 Hz (minus 4 or 5 db). I found that a quite a few of the tracks were busy around that point. This gave more space to the bass. Also applied high pass to all the tracks but the drum loop and the bass track.

Hope the result is worth the effort.

.mp3    Leaf - Come Around.mp3 --  (Download: 5.65 MB)


Messages In This Thread
Come Around - Unofficial remix by STMROB - by STMROB - 02-10-2013, 02:13 AM