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Christian Alfaro Trick Bird "Window" Mix
I think you're wrong, RoyM. The song itself is pretty flat, that's obvious from the get go, ain't much to be excited about and from where extract whooping excitement (drums are programmed to begin with, the arrangement is pretty static, etc). It's charm is elsewhere (or nowhere, tastes considered).

Pumping up the drums and adding a bunch of modulation and delay on the vocals come out as forced move to my liking (this is about your posted version), pushing the arrangement to other realms. But to each their own.

Is the daft attitute supposed to be funny? English is not my language, I may be missing the catch.

Christian Alfaro, I think the bass drum is a bit loud (I've got the impression that it's even pushing the master limiter/compressor to pump down other elements). I appreciate it's equalisation direction (reminds me of AKG D12 recordings), but I tend to like it a bit more bass heavy.

Main guitar's low mids could be softened, it would sound more defined and leave room to the vocals. Guitar number 8, especially (but not exclusively), could be more worked upon with eq, maybe some ambience? Also the playing isn't spot on, leaving it so hard panned makes it more obvious (the solution depends on how far you wanna dwell into it). Vocals, as I kinda suggested before, are a little tangled in those low mids, this whispery tone can be tricky. Good mixing!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Christian Alfaro Trick Bird "Window" Mix - by Bruno Corrêa - 07-11-2020, 05:17 AM