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Candlebox: 'Happy Pills'
I haven't been on here much recently as things have been busy, but I was excited to see an opportunity to mix a Candlebox song! Being a huge fan of 90's rock, this felt like a privilege to mix and I enjoyed every minute of it. I mixed it in a way that I liked to hear rock from this era. Yes, there is a blended kick sample, as I was not happy with the distinct lack of beef in the raw kick drum tracks. Feedback and comments always welcome.


.mp3    Happy Pills_01.mp3 --  (Download: 7.78 MB)

It feels pretty good. No real complaints. I think the guitars could come back a hair. They prevent me from turning the song up more than I'd like. But, I think that's just a personal preference of mine on this song in general. Good job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hi Roy, thanks for stopping by. Appreciate the feedback and will further reference those guitars. Cheers, Mick
Hey mick!

I think i might agree with the guitar being turned down, at least in the verse. You might be able to pull a little bit more motion by automating the guitar up when the second guitar kicks in, then when the chorus hits, maybe bring them up a dB or so. Kinda nit picky thoughts. The biggest offense to me was the quick spoken vocal part was a bit quiet and dark.

All of that said, I think it is a pretty awesome mix, with the right 90's vibe. Nice work!

Hi Draper, thanks for stopping by. Appreciate your thoughts and feedback, will likely upload a tweaked mix soon.
