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First attempt. Feedback is greatly appreciated

.mp3    DUTY MIX1.1.mp3 --  (Download: 12.7 MB)

.mp3    DUTY.mp3 --  (Download: 12.63 MB)

It feels pretty good. The synths feel a little loud but I don't think it's a problem. Just a personal preference. There are times when the kick feels too big but that comes and goes. I think the kick could come back a hair and the snare could come up. The bass could have more definition. It's got a nice grit to it but I think it'd work better if the 'fingers' came out a little more.

The rhythm guitars are a little weird to me. The panning feels like the guitar on the left is only partially left but the other is hard right. Did you spread the panning of the individual mics? They feel 'blurry'. They could be more solid sounding. If that makes sense.

The vocals feel good.

Overall it feels really good. Tonal the balance from highs to lows works and nothing seems wrong. It could just use a couple of tweaks. Good job.

Hope that helps.

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thanks for the feedback. I have a LP on the bass, ill overlay the original unprocessed signal to bring back the strums into it. The guitar mics are panned hard right for one set and hard left for the other. Wonder why one seems more than the other ill recheck them and try to bring them out more. I'll also check the kick and snare relationship.

Thanks for the detailed feedback ill check your points and repost
As far as the guitar panning it could just be me. Double check them but I could be wrong on that.

It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Lovely overall driven compression sound! Some highly subjective and subtle points: The 'note' or ringing of snare is perhaps too audible. Maybe some narrow 3-6 dB cutting around 500 Hz for snare? The beef of bass and kick seem to occupy the same region around 100 Hz. Maybe shift kick lower or vice versa? With the main guitars 2.7k and 5k could be cut too, but guitars might lose too much 'edge'. Again these would be very subtle changes. You don't necessarily have to change anything, and I like very much the punchy dryish older heavy metal feel you've created. ^_^
Thanks for the listen and feedback. I will probably try a few adjustments and repost later. I'll keep your points in mind when revising. Thanks again for the feedback and mix suggestions.
Cool Mix I like it a lot sounds nice and solid ,I'm hearing what Kapu and roy have already mentioned, maybe a touch more depth on the guitars and drums especially the snare like the vocals have.

Cheers Big Grin

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Hey man ! I'm PE's drummer and original mix engineer.

My main complain would be the sound of the bass which is a bit tight and restricted. I feel it has too much low mids (200-400 area) and not enough hi mids (1k - 2k).
Otherwise I really like the power of your mix.
Thanks for the feedback i did an update