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Not Alone
In a short period of time, it will be a mix of 19 works
Every time, I have new discoveries

Thank you for listening

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Hey Yoshi,

I think you've put together a really nice mix. Everything seems nicely balanced and i like your FX. Good job Smile

Maybe, just maybe the OH is a bit dominant. I kinda like it but I have a high tolerance for HF. Its hard to set a static level because of the way the OH was recorded. Maybe some dynamic EQ or a side chained gate activated by the snare would help keep the air of the OHs but tame the pointy attack. Anyway.....its a fairly minor point.....just a though really.

Keep it up!

Cheers, Simon
Be fierce in your encouragement, kind in your criticism and try and remember that the art of a good critique is not to make someone else's mix sound like yours...but to help the mixer realize their own vision.
Hi Simon

Thank you for giving me impressions
I feel happy
OH, I have a slight hesitation
If anything, I'm up a bit
I will refer to your advice

Thank you for your precious advice
I could only give it a quick listen and I'm not familiar with song or the multitrack.

It feels pretty good. I, personally, would like more stereo from the mix. More in the left and right. It feels very stacked in the middle.

It feels a little compressed. Especially by the end section with the guitar riffs. By then the song should open up more and be a little more exciting. It needs that release.

I don't notice what Simon (HbGuitar) does about the Overheads. But I like overheads and tend to have them too loud so he may be right. The Hi Hat might be loud but I don't know if there was a HH track or if it was all in the Overheads.

The balances all feel good. I think there can be more focus on the vocal.

Overall it feels really good. I think it can be more wide and open. Bigger.

I just want to say I like you Yoshi. You seem like a positive person and that you really consider what people say on here. I think you have a good ear. Keep at it and keep improving. I will try to comment on your post whenever I can.

Good luck!
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hi Roy

Thanks for your comment
To be honest, it is exactly the same as my own thoughts
Less spread of left and right
I did not have the courage to spread it to the left and right
The vocal tone was incomplete
I did not notice the compression of the guitar
Again, I will make an advise version (Roy and Simon)

I am looking forward to communication with you.
Let's enjoy music together

Thank you very much