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.mp3    DUNNINGS KRUGERS JAPAN SONG ..mp3 --  (Download: 9 MB)

.mp3    DUNNINGS KRUGERS JAPAN SONG 2.mp3 --  (Download: 9.09 MB)

Only heard your 2nd mix. Think you've handled the voc really well, sounds nice and full and sits in a good spot. Think the drums are in danger of taking over the mix, especially in the quieter section, gtrs could definitely come up particularly in the start of the verses before the singing starts, a good spot to feature them. And think your choruses need to be bigger, don't really lift the song as they should.
Hi manuke sorry for taking so long to reply, I agree with your comments, I mixed this track a while ago and I would like to think I have improved, anyway I will revisit the track in the near future, thank again,cudjoe.
I think that the drums (especially the kick drum) are too loud and that both mixes are bass heavy. Guitars could be louder. Backing vocals could have more reverb on them.
I agree that You've overdid the kick drum and bass on this one. Those two eat the whole song alive Big Grin
Also the guitars could use a bit more space and maybe the panning should be 100% LR (or maybe add a bit more volume).
The delay and reverb are also a bit weird. I think that You've added too much of them. If You like to add that much consider doing it in parallel mode and add post eq to scoop the high frequencies. This way You'll feel the verb without noticing it that much.
Fix those in Your future mixes and Your good to go Smile

P.S.: Notice that the mixed excerpt version of the song provided on the main site is not far from the raw one. So there isn't really a lot to do in this one. I think the goal here is to focus on the balance, consistency without a great need to turn everything around Tongue
Love for music in the world devoid of feelings.
I thought that i would revisit the track after so long,and thanks for the above comments.

.mp3    Japan song 2017 mix.mp3 --  (Download: 8.87 MB)

I really like it. It feels a little small and I feel like the song wants to be bigger but I think that might be a lacking in the arrangement and not the mix.

That said, it has a pleasant aggressiveness. It feels raw and it fits the song. Like a Fugazi mix.
I think it could get a little bigger in the chorus and bridge.
I don't know if you have a mix bus compressor on the mix but if so you might consider backing off on it a little. It's a little compact.
I like the bass sound but it may be too big on the low end. I can't tell. But even if so it's not in the way of anything.

As a mixer the noise at the top of the song catches my ear and at first I feel like it should be cleaned up. But after a couple of listens it's growing on me. I'm starting to think that's the part of the song that as a kid I would have liked. It feels like a tape mix as opposed to a digital one.

Overall the mix works. I can't find anything that really bothers me and I like it's character. I feel like the band would crank it and be happy.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
"It feels like a tape mix as opposed to a digital one" Hi Roy well noticed,iam glad you noticed that,it was my plan whilst i was mixing this track i was experimenting with some plugins and little hardware to try to get more of the tape/analog sound,now i have that iam going to try put it into some of my future and probably revisit some of my old mixes,cheers again.
I love the 2017 version! Thumbs up!
(24-03-2017, 08:03 PM)Andreas Tyranopoulos Wrote: I love the 2017 version! Thumbs up!

Glad you like it.