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Nerve9 Mix
Hi guys,

Here is my mix. What do you think?

Grtz Bas

.mp3    Pray for the Rain_02.mp3 --  (Download: 10.21 MB)

It sounds really good. It's atmospheric but doesn't sound phase-y or artificial.

The bass might be a little loud but it's hard for me to tell. I like the tone of it.
The snare is a little boxy but that's minor.

Excellent job.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Hey Job,

Thanks for your comment.
Im having some low frequency issues in my studio, so its possible the low end isn't sounding right. I will check the mix on other systems and maybe adjust the bass a bit.

Hi Bas

Thanks for mixing our track. I think your vision for the mix is pretty solid. I agree the bass is too loud and makes it harder to assess the other elements of your mix. Also, pull out some 1-2k of the bass as well - check out Mike Senior's bass treatment for this song in SOS March 2015.

Really like the snare and tom sounds - how did you treat them?

Probably most important - the lead vocal could use a little more vocal riding (sometimes buried, could be the bass though) and seems in need of some of the cool atmosphere some of the other mix elements were treated to. Help it shine a bit more Smile

Thanks again for mixing the track !

