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Freddy V - "Not Alone" - My mix
Greetings Rolleyes 

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks for listening.

Edit: Added second version with improved dynamics.

.mp3    Freddy V Not Alone - Scooter Trash Master.mp3 --  (Download: 14.5 MB)

.mp3    Freddy G - Not Alone - Master 2.mp3 --  (Download: 14.53 MB)

Overall it feels ok. I think it could use a little lighter touch. Everything feels a bit too compressed. I think the Ld vocals could be more out front. Are they panned a bit to right? I'm kind of losing the focus of the song. Everything feels right there and I lose track of what to listen to. If that makes sense. Like, in the verses the vocal is fighting the guitar and piano.
That said, it's not bad, especially for the type of song it is. It's an easy listening mix. It works in the background but I'm not going to dance to it at my wedding.

I don't know the original tracks but it feels like a live recording/mix. I'm not sure if that's intentional or the nature of the recording. I looked at it now and am downloading it for a bit more insight's going to take a while it seems.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
Thank you for the honest feedback Roy.
I'm not sure if it was a live recording or not, but there's a LOT of bleed in the mics, so it's a lot like mixing live. I wanted to use some chorus and spring reverb on the guitar, but there's so much drum bleed in the guitar tracks that I couldn't really put anything on the guitar. Also, there were two guitar tracks, and when I tried to use both of them, they canceled each other out when I mono'd the mix. Didn't check the phase correlation - just used only one of the mics. I agree that it's over-compressed. I think the LUFS were somewhere around -7 1/2 on the mastering compressor at the end of the chain. The song gets very loud and busy in the second half. I probably should have edited the envelopes on some of the tracks and/or spent some time automating. Also; I'm working in an untreated room with KRK Rokit 6 monitors so I have a difficult time guessing how my mixes are going to translate. I have a pair of Seneheiser HD 600 cans on the way that SHOULD help a bit until I can get better monitors and treat the room..
I'd appreciate it if you get back to me after you import the tracks. I'd be interested to hear what challenges you had with the tracks, and I'd love to hear your mix!
Thanks for listening and taking the time to respond. 

Edit: The lead vocal was panned center, but some of the backing vocals are panned right.. I just listened to it with iPhone ear buds, and the lead vocal sounds like it's up and center to me.
Interesting. I didn't notice a ton of bleed besides in the guitar mics. I kinda used it as the guitar/snare reverb send. The two guitar mics are close to being in phase until the end distorted section where the guitar does disappear. I'm guessing something in the guitar setup reversed the polarity to one of the amps when he kicked on the overdrive or something like that. I moved that section to separate tracks to have more control over anyway.
Overall I thought everything was fairly well recorded and straight forward. The lead vocal tone gets pretty harsh at the end when he's kinda riffing. Those were the only real issues I found though.

Edit: Oh and if you're curious my mix is here:
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
I have a lot of drum bleed, and hum in the guitar tracks. I just downloaded one again, and listened to it in Windows Media Player, and there's a lot of drums on it - and some hum. It also sounds like it was recorded with compression on it.
I noticed that the phase is different on the guitar mics later in the song too, Bring them both up, and then mono out your master bus and they really change. The Overheads and Leslie are labeled "L" and "R" - but the piano and guitars are labeled "1a" and "1b." I wonder if they were mid-side mic'd and one of the mics has to be phase reversed?
I think I'll just pull all the plugins off the tracks and se if maybe one of them is causing issues.
Thanks again

(28-02-2021, 02:58 AM)RoyM Wrote: Interesting. I didn't notice a ton of bleed besides in the guitar mics. I kinda used it as the guitar/snare reverb send. The two guitar mics are close to being in phase until the end distorted section where the guitar does disappear. I'm guessing something in the guitar setup reversed the polarity to one of the amps when he kicked on the overdrive or something like that. I moved that section to separate tracks to have more control over anyway.
Overall I thought everything was fairly well recorded and straight forward. The lead vocal tone gets pretty harsh at the end when he's kinda riffing. Those were the only real issues I found though.

Edit: Oh and if you're curious my mix is here:
Yeah, there's a fair amount of drums and hum but I've heard worse.
1a and 1b could just mean they're separate amps or mics not necessarily intended to be panned as opposed to OHs. Or organ where you'd differentiate between a L/R setup or top bottom.
If they were an M/S pair then I'd reckon they'd be labeled as such considering the nature of the recording. I ran it through a matrix anyway and didn't suddenly get a solid stereo image. I think it's probably two different amps. Flipping the polarity on one of the sources at the top does change the sound but it's not a huge change. At the end though it's an obvious difference. I used both and just automated the phase relationship later on but it's really a case of probably just using one source and be done with it.
It doesn't have to sound good. People just need to think it sounds good.
They're fine as long as long as they're panned up the middle. What's weird is that if you pan them opposite each other, or pan them both to a side, they really drop when you mono out the mix. And it's strange that the phase relation seems different in the second half of the song. It's not a big deal. Just odd. 
I listened to your mix. It sounds really good for the amount of time you put into it. I think it took me that long just to download the files, import them into the project, arrange them, and drop channel strips on the tracks lol. 
My new cans came about an hour ago. They sound much better than my speakers in my untreated room right out of the box. Gonna take a break and run some pink noise through them overnight. 
Thanks again for the feedback. I'll probably start from scratch tomorrow and use the Tommy Marcinek mix as a reference.
I was able to improve the dynamics quite a bit. I used the Tommy Marcinek version that I thought sounded good as a reference. I didn't change my mix much - but I removed a bus compressor that was squishing the mix a lot. Now the dynamics on my mix are better than the reference, but maybe still a bit squished.

I might come back to this mix later if I decide to get Izotope RX 8 Standard.

In the video, the Blue is my mix, and the orange is the reference track.
