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Actions - Devil's Words (Mix by moolyftw)
Thank you in advance to anyone who comments. Hope you enjoy.

.mp3    Actions - Devil\'s Words MP3.mp3 --  (Download: 3.02 MB)

Mix as a whole could just hit harder. Don't be scared of compression when mixing this genre.

Drums could definitely use some verb, they're really dry right now, just my preference though.

Vocals could use some more bite in my opinion. Right now they seem a little flat and lifeless, and are getting a little bit lost in the mix sometimes.

Guitars sound a little bit muddy to me. I can't remember what the original guitar tracks sounded like, but I don't remember doing too much to them to make them really punchy and defined when I did my mix. Some basic EQ and some liberal compression. Yours sound a bit bassy, or scooped, or something, like they need to cut more.

Overall, levels sound good. Pretty solid mix in terms of that.
Thank you very much, Not used to mixing this genre. I'll give it another look. : )