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Just another Daisy Daisy mix by pure Sound Studio The Netherlands - Printable Version

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Just another Daisy Daisy mix by pure Sound Studio The Netherlands - PureSound - 24-03-2014

Just another Daisy Daisy mix by pure Sound Studio The Netherlands

Please comment!

Big Grin

RE: Just another Daisy Daisy mix by pure Sound Studio The Netherlands - Dustin3P - 07-02-2015

Nice mix. I like how it keeps that rough sound that a lot of garage punk bands like to have. I do think the overheads are a little out of balance and it sounds like there are some compression side effects going on with the vocals because sometimes its right and sometimes its a little low. I think pulling up the doubled vocals a little would possibly help that. But overall I think its a nice mix and has a decent groove.

RE: Just another Daisy Daisy mix by pure Sound Studio The Netherlands - FytaKyte - 14-02-2015

Good balances in the mix, but a bit of a buildup of muddiness in the low end. Pulling that out at an individual track level would clear the mix up a lot.

The vocals are a bit sibilant - it sounds like you have boost the "air" frequencies on the vocal and the sibilance is a side effect - try a bit of de-essing to get that under control.